Are you considering cannabidiol supplements because you’ve heard nothing but positive things about the CBD benefits that they provide? Have you heard from a friend or family member that they started taking CBD and have since then stopped suffering from a common ailment like stress, anxiety, pain or sleep insomnia? If so, you might be looking for some validation to the claims you have heard.

Here at Best CBD Products Reviews, we’re selecting only the highest quality CBD products that are laboratory tested for purity and quality standards. Simply put – we are CBD specialists that have been dealing with cannabidiol for a very long time. While we are not doctors, we can certainly share some insights to the commonly asked question “What are CBD benefits cannabidiol provide?”.

Different Types of CBD Supplements & How to Take Them

There are several different ways to consume or take CBD as part of your supplemental diet. One of the most common ways is to use a CBD vape pen which involves using electricity to heat up a coil which then vaporizes the CBD oil or concentrate. We’ve tested and reviewed various types of vaporizers for CBD that you can purchase or learn more about on our website.

Beside of vaping, the other way to take CBD is to use some sort of oral tincture or drops that can be taken sublingually. For example, our CBD Reserve is a high-grade CBD tincture that can be taken orally and contains an impressive 600 MG of CBD in one 30 ML bottle.

If you visit our CBD Oil Tinctures reviews page, you will find a variety of different bottles of CBD that comes pre-mixed with the specific Tinctures inside of the Marijuana plant known to provide taste and flavor. Tinctures are great for those that enjoy the taste and aroma that Marijuana provides without the mind-altering substance found in it (THC).

CBD Oil Tincture - Oral Supplements

CBD oil tinctures to be taken orally

CBD Edibles Supplements

CBD supplements in the form of gummies

CBD Vape Oil

CBD vape oil as a type of supplement

Benefits of CBD for Stress or Anxiety

While we are not scientists or doctors, we cannot make any claims about CBD that are backed by our own research. However – we have been in the CBD business for a long time and do get a lot of feedback from customers as well as research information about CBD including medical case studies and research that we like to share. For example….

According to a report provided by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 18.1% of males age 18 or older suffer from stress and or anxiety disorders. It’s no surprise that there is a need for anxiety relief in the USA and many people are turning to CBD for help. According to a scientific study that can be read on the US National Library of Medicine – a group of 72 adults showed significantly less anxiety and stress levels after taking CBD.

Aside from the many case studies and scientific research, our customers also give us the feedback after purchasing our products indicating that CBD has helped reduce their day-to-day levels of stress and anxiety along with many other health benefits. In fact, the number one reason why customers buy CBD from us is to help cope with stress and anxiety.

Does CBD Work as a Sleep Aid?

The most common CBD benefit that our customers explain that they benefit from cannabidiol is related to overcoming sleep insomnia. For individuals who suffer from insomnia – you might notice that it becomes a lot easier to fall asleep after taking CBD supplements. In a study that was recently conducted, about 10 percent of people who said that they have tried CBD said that they used it to help with insomnia and said that it worked very well. CBD is a natural remedy that can be much safer than other types of sleep aids.

CBD Benefits For Anxiety

In a recent study conducted by Joseph Maroon (a clinical professor and neurosurgeon at the University of Pittsburg Medical Center) said that Cannabidiol has properties that could benefit some people with insomnia because it appears to ease anxiety and pain. Anxiety and pain make it difficult to fall asleep.

It’s important to know that not everyone gets the same benefits from CBD due to the fact that everyone has a different chemical make-up or complexion. Some people will notice certain benefits while others will not, this is the same concept with most herbal supplements.

Will CBD Help with Arthritis?

Some scientists suggest that when ingested, CBD binds to CB2 or create natural Cannabinoids that attach to CB2. Subsequently, when this happens scientists believe that the pain signals are not received as strongly as they normally would be. Either way – scientists believe that cannabidiol affects the process in which these receptors respond to pain in a positive way.

A research review in 2008 related to cannabidiol suggested that one of CBD benefits is it’s role in chronic pain management. To learn more about this research click here.

CBD benefits in chronic pain management.

Many adults suffer from knee or back pain that is either chronic or temporary either from a past injury or degeneration of cartilage. Arthritis alone affects over 50 million Americans and is the leading cause of disability. While cannabidiol is not a pain-killer, one of CBD benefits is certainly help with inflammation and joint-related pains.

There have been several studies over time that suggest CBD can help suppress the pains associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. In 2011, a test was conducted on rats that found CBD to affect the way pain receptors respond to stimuli. In 2014 a review of the existing body of research on animals concluded that cannabidiol may be an effective treatment for Osteoarthritis. A 2016 study found that the topical cream application of CBD had the potential to reduce pain and inflammation related to arthritis. A 2017 study found that CBD might be a safe and useful treatment for OA joint pain.

However, to date, there a lack of scientific evidence to prove conclusively that CBD is an effective arthritis treatment for humans.

Does CBD Help With Chronic Pain?

CBD and other cannabinoids attach themselves to specific receptors in the brain and immune system. One of the many receptors that CBD binds to is CB2 which is a receptor that plays a role in the immune system by managing pain and inflammation.

Some scientists suggest that when ingested, CBD binds to CB2 or create natural Cannabinoids that attach to CB2. Subsequently, when this happens scientists believe that the pain signals are not received as strongly as they normally would be. Either way – scientists believe that cannabidiol affects the process in which these receptors respond to pain in a positive way.

A research review in 2008 related to cannabidiol suggested that one of CBD benefits is it’s role in chronic pain management. To learn more about this research click here.